Newborns With Nana

New borns with Nana

A Tagline for Your Company

Welcome to Newborns with Nana

Hello, we are all so frustrated with the healthcare system. I work in the system and I am very frustrated. It seems they require us to go faster and faster, and we don’t get to spend enough time with our patients. 

I am Tammy Posey, a practicing Pediatric Nurse Practitioner, former neonatal ICU nurse, newborn nursery nurse, mother of 7 children, and grandmother of 20 children.

At my office, the time allotted per patient has been cut. This is frustrating for all patients and providers, but it is especially frustrating for new parents. 

I love working with new parents. I like to spend an entire hour offering guidance, answering questions, and letting them know I am here for them if they need me. I hear from many young parents that they did not get this one on one care and guiding information when their babies were born. This breaks my heart.

This is why I decided to offer this service online to new parents. I will not take the place of your medical provider, and I will not offer medical advice, but I want to offer guidance and support from the experience I have gained over the almost 44 years I have spent caring for babies as a mother, grandmother, nurse, and now a pediatric nurse practitioner.

We would love to set up a meet and greet to get to know you and your baby

Click on the link below to schedule your free meet and greet today!

Newborns With Nana

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